- 4 דומע -

:דוט לא הנופ ידא סקטה ירחא

Addie: "Please, Todd, make Blair happy. "
Todd: "I'll do my best."
Addie: "She likes to have lots of money."
Todd:" I think I can manage that."
:ידאל חיטבמ זאו ,ריילב לע טיבמ דוט

:יקיו לא הנופ דוט

Todd: "I'm really glad that you stayed. I don't think I could have made it without you.
I was really kind of losing it there for a while. "
Viki: "I'm really very glad that I stayed. Todd, our father did some unspeakably awful things,
but - they were his things, not ours. and I don't see any reason why either one of us has to carry
that burden around with us for the rest of our lives"

הלשמ סרטניא הל שי ןבומכ לבא ,דוט תא ךרבל תשגינ ןאירוד זאו:

Dorian: "How about a hug for your new aunt? "
Todd: "Oh goody. My aunt."

:ונזוא ךותל תשחול איה זאו

Dorian:"I want the diary."
Todd: "I'm kind of busy right now Dorian. I'll give you the diary when I'm ready to give you the diary.
now, begone."

.ברע תחוראל םתוא הנימזמ איהש םלוכ ינפב הזירכמ ןאירוד כ"חא
:רמואו ריילב לש הדיב זחוא דוט

"That's a great idea Dorian, why don't you sent the bill to the Sun? Blair and I have our own reception to go to."
Blair: "Todd!"
Todd: "Look, I know it's unconventional, but we are unconventional. goodbye, and thank you all for coming."
Blair: "Yes, really, we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful wedding."

.דימתמ םירשואמו םיפי ,דיב די ,דחי םיבזוע ריילבו דוט זאו